Quotation Sandwich Exercise


The claim: Too many of us seem ready to place blame in the wrong places for some of our worst social problems.

The quote: Fast-food companies are marketing to children a product with proven health hazards and no warning labels. They would do well to protect themselves, and their customers, by providing the nutrition information people need to make informed choices about their products. (“Don’t Blame the Eater” Zinczenko 243)

The claim:

The quote: Students do need to read models of intellectually challenging writing—and Orwell is a great one—if they are to become intellectuals themselves. But they would be more prone to take on intellectual identities if we encouraged them to do so at first on subjects that interest them rather than ones that interest us. (“Hidden Intellectualism” Graff 245)

Now you choose a quotation from Baldwin’s essay that supports a claim you make in your essay.

The claim:

The quote: